Books are best means to gain knowledge about everything if you are interested in how to manage your financial issues than there are some books which will definitely help you in solving these issues.
Language of these books are so simple everyone can understand easily. In these time people don't have time to read books so they can listen books. Some books are also available on YouTube just save them offline and start listening everywhere at time of travelling, morning walk, and wherever they want.
Personally i like audio books because it saves my time and enhance my knowledge. i will provide some YouTube links for audio books. There are some paid application where you can find all audio books of your interest.
Rich Dad and Poor Dad
I read this book two month ago it has changed my concept about money management. Basically this book is about how normal people expend their money and how should they expend their money.
It will also suggest you best means for invest your money from where your money will give you best return to increase your wealth.This book suggest you why people always have scarcity of money.
Trading For A Living
This book will explain about trading psychology, trading tactics, Money management.
Some people want to make full time career by trading in stock market this will help you to choose.
If you are already trading than this book will improve your strategy of trading and increase your knowledge about stock market.
Intelligent Investor
This book is written by Benjamin Graham and it is suggested by Warren Buffet. This is one of best book about Investing in stock market. This book will explain you Value Investing.
In starting it will little hard to understand but after reading and reading you will be able to understand this book. When you will complete this book you will have different view of seeing Stocks.
There are so many books available which you can read and improve your knowledge. Keep learning Keep earning. Thank you for visit my blog.
Language of these books are so simple everyone can understand easily. In these time people don't have time to read books so they can listen books. Some books are also available on YouTube just save them offline and start listening everywhere at time of travelling, morning walk, and wherever they want.
Personally i like audio books because it saves my time and enhance my knowledge. i will provide some YouTube links for audio books. There are some paid application where you can find all audio books of your interest.
Rich Dad and Poor Dad
I read this book two month ago it has changed my concept about money management. Basically this book is about how normal people expend their money and how should they expend their money.
It will also suggest you best means for invest your money from where your money will give you best return to increase your wealth.This book suggest you why people always have scarcity of money.
Trading For A Living
This book will explain about trading psychology, trading tactics, Money management.
Some people want to make full time career by trading in stock market this will help you to choose.
If you are already trading than this book will improve your strategy of trading and increase your knowledge about stock market.
Intelligent Investor
This book is written by Benjamin Graham and it is suggested by Warren Buffet. This is one of best book about Investing in stock market. This book will explain you Value Investing.
In starting it will little hard to understand but after reading and reading you will be able to understand this book. When you will complete this book you will have different view of seeing Stocks.
There are so many books available which you can read and improve your knowledge. Keep learning Keep earning. Thank you for visit my blog.