Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Candlesticks chart

What is candlesticks chart?

Candlesticks chart is indicator developed by  Munehisa Homma, a Japanese rice trader of financial instruments. Candlesticks are used for analyzing trend of market by paying attention on patterns of candlesticks.
   Candlesticks are basically in two colors it could be Red and Green. Red color candlesticks are bearish candles that means price of share is going downward. Green color candlesticks are bullish candle that means price of share is going upward. One candlesticks shows all about the shares at what price share is Open and at what price share is closed and it also show what is highest price it gone and lowest price it gone. Green candle is open from down and Red candle is open from up.

 Candlesticks Body and shadow body made by open and close price of share and shadow made by high and low of share price. This is basic about candlesticks there is too much to learn about candlesticks

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